Meditate for Change

Mar 03, 2016

Meditation brings the change you wish.
Since we cannot change the world around, situations and other people, meditation is the only way we can bring the change starting with ourselves.

Meditation is the inner dialog.
Every conversation involves at least two partners. In meditation it is you and yourself. You have the power to talk and being heard. Listen to the silence between your thoughts and the inner you will bring you back to your original self.

Meditation is the base for immunity.
When you touch your inner truth, there is no place for a criticism, negativity, or fear, or even anger. Being with your truth is being at the source of power and virtues. These pure vibrations affect your emotions and health.

Meditation Boosts Your Health

– Increases Immune System

– Decreases Pain

Meditation Boosts Your Happiness

– Increases Positivity

– Decreases Depression

– Decreases Anxiety

– Decreases Stress

Meditation Keeps You Real

– Makes you aware of Your Original Nature

– Empowers Your Strengths

– Cuts away attachments to destructive involvements

– Makes you face and challenge all life obstacles
In common understanding meditation is a closed eyes exercise with an attempt to escape from the real world to the temple of your dreams. Meditation is not an escape.

that brings awareness of

MEDITATION creates Your LIFE – it is Your Call for CHANGE