Yummy Honeydew Smoothie!

food Aug 03, 2023

In the middle of the summer and anytime during a year we need something refreshing and hydrating. 

Honeydew is an incredible powerful fruit. Like any other melons, honeydew hydrates on a cellular level and is highly alkalizing.

Honeydew melon offers numerous health advantages as a refreshing and nutritious fruit. Rich in vitamins C and B-complex, along with essential minerals, it provides deep hydration and purification for the body. Thanks to its mineralized distilled water content, honeydew can rejuvenate and alkalize the entire system.

In addition to boosting the immune system and safeguarding against colds and flu, honeydew has been found to assist in:

  • reducing blood pressure,
  • enhancing memory and cognitive abilities,
  • aiding in weight loss,
  • promoting muscle and tissue repair,
  • increasing flexibility,
  • and reducing the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, and age-related macular eye degeneration.

One unique aspect of honeydew is that it is easily digested and quickly assimilated when consumed on an empty stomach. For optimal benefits, I would highly recommend enjoying a couple of slices of honeydew alone for the first breakfast.

To savor its goodness in a convenient way, ripe honeydew can be blended into a delicious and hydrating drink or turned into kid-friendly popsicles by freezing the blend in popsicle holders.

To ensure maximum sweetness, flavor, and nutrition, it's best to select ripe honeydews that emit a sweet floral aroma and yield gently to pressure. A perfectly ripe honeydew's rind will start to change color to a light yellow, indicating its readiness for consumption.

Watch the video with a simple recipe for a honeydew smoothie.

Have a happy and yummy summertime!